Relative Nepal has been running all programs on community based. It has provided health awareness through Community Health education (CHE) program which is a conceptual idea of wholistic development that draws from the biological, environmental, psychological, physical and medical sciences to promote health and prevent disease, disability and premature death by educating individuals and communities to voluntarily change their behaviors to improve their health and well-being.

1. CHE Vision Seminars
2. CHE TOT-1 Trainings
3. School Screening
4. HIV/AIDS Awareness
5. Basic Health Awareness
6. CHE Lessons Translation
7. Women Groups
8. CHE Groups 
9. HIV/AIDS Awareness Materials
10. Help to PLWH
11. Sanitary Latrines
12. Health related Radio Programs

Since last 6 years Relative Nepal has implemented various activities that all aimed to improve the basic health in the communities: included activities like radio programs on basic health, school screenings, HIV/AIDS awareness and created basic health awareness by constructing community and school latrines. The overall health situation of the communities has been improved dramatically.

The formation CHE groups and empowering women groups was also a remarkable achievement. Both groups were supported to start micro-enterprises to generate income. The radio programs reached thousands of listeners. The use of sanitary latrines reduces the amount of intestinal and respiratory diseases. The cleanliness of communities and children is much better than before.